Tổng tiền thanh toán:

Thứ Tư,
Report title | Sectoral/fishery Assessment or Ingredient Manufacturer Assessment Summary Report, v1.0 | |||||||||||
Indicator | 2.2.11 | |||||||||||
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| Instructions | This template is intended for reporting a summary of Due DIliegence pathways 2“sectoral/fishery assessment” or 3 “ingredient manufacturer assessment” under Principle 2. Reporting is at a UoC level and on an annual basis. The UoC should select the pathway used and the type of assessment (whether ingredient manufacturer or plant/marine primary raw material). The UoC enters the date the assessment was conducted. The UoC selects the primary raw material assessed (if applicable). If primary raw material is not lised, the UoC enters the common name and latin name. The UoC selects the risk factor assessed. The UoC selects the country of location (ingredient manufacturer) or production (plant primary raw material). For marine primary raw material, 'Fishery' is selected as the Country of location. The UoC selects the FAO fishing area for the marine primary raw material. The UoC enters a summary description of the risk assessment (max 1500 characters). The UoC enters links to any publicly available resources used. The UoC enters a summary description of any measures taken to ensure low risk (for ingredient manufacturer assessment only) (max 1500 characters). The UoC enters a summary description of implemented monitoring program to a) measure the effectiveness of any measure taken to ensure low risk (if applicable) and b) monitor the risk factors, or indicators for the risk factors, to ensure the risk level determined remains valid (max 1500 characters) A new row should be added for each assessment and for each risk factor assessed (if more than one). | ||||||||||
Table 1. Summary of due diligence pathways 2 and 3 report | ||||||||||||
Pathway used | Type of Assessment | Date of Due Diligence Assessment (yyyy-mm-dd) | Primary Raw Material "common name (latin name)"' | Risk Factor Assessed | Country of location/production (select 'Fishery' if Marine primary raw material) | FAO Fishing area (if Marine primary raw material) | Summary description of risk assessment (max 1500 characters) | Links to any publicly available resources used | Summary description of any measures taken and their effectiveness (max 1500 characters) | Summary description of implemented monitoring program (max 1500 characters) | ||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Marine Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Legal | Fishery | FAO 71 | All of fishing vessels examined demonstrated full compliance with essential regulations on fishing vessel registration, fishing licences, fishing crew lists, fishing logbooks, vessel monitoring systems, and transhipment reports. Furthermore, these vessels have met Vietnam's national standards and conditions for conducting fishing operations at sea | https://www.seafish.org/document/?id=64546167-9781-464a-a1dd-29bb5e0ef3f0g) | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Marine Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Social | Fishery | FAO 71 | There are no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment. All fishing vessels use family and relative members to operate fishing activities | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Marine Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Environmental | Fishery | FAO 71 | No cases of catching or keeping endangered species listed by IUCN and CITES were found in fishing logbooks and interview sessions. - All of vessels were found compliant with Circular No. 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT regarding fishing gear specifications, ensuring that the minimum mesh size requirements for offshore trawlers (40mm) were met and no illegal gear was detected. | www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RL_Standards_Consistency.pdf; https://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf; https://cites.org/eng/app/appendices.php https://checklist.cites.org/#/en | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Legal | Vietnam | Business license No: 160187008 issued by Planning and Investment Depatment of An Giang Province Factory license No: 898943071500206 | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Social | Vietnam | There is a contract with the employee Wages are paid in cash on the 31st per month and are not lower than the regional minimum According to article VI-3 of the company's code of conduct described: no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment.This is confrimed by employee interviews and documents review: labour contract, payroll, timesheet, profile of employee, ID,... | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Environmental | Vietnam | Environmental permit No. 10/GPMT-UBND signed by Pham Thanh Duoc - vice president of Thoai Son district on January 29, 2024 Using water from the water utility Hazardous waste collection, transportation and disposal contract No 3217/2023/HĐXLCTCT-TĐX.AD signed on 05/12/2023 | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Legal | Vietnam | Business Registration License No. 1402128410 signed by the Business Registration Office of Dong Thap province on April 23, 2021 Construction permit No. 03/GPXD-KKT issued on April 1, 2024 by the Economic Zone Management Board of Dong Thap province Land use right certificate No. CS348285 and CS348286 for SETHIA HEMRAJ RICE OIL COMPANY LIMITED | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Social | Vietnam | There is a contract with the employee Wages are paid on the 10th per month and are not lower than the regional minimum As a foreign company, there should be migrant woker from India, check the employment contract and temporary residence card of Mr Satkar Singh, which is valid until March 6, 2025 According to article VI-3 of the company's code of conduct described: no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment.This is confrimed by employee interviews and documents review: labour contract, payroll, timesheet, profile of employee, ID,... | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Environmental | Vietnam | Environmental permit No. 76/GPMT-UBND issued by Dong Thap Provincial People's Committee on January 26, 2024 The water supply and usage contract was signed on February 19, 2022 Conventional waste collection and transportation contract No. 309-2023/HD-XLCT signed December 22, 2022 Contract for collection, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste No. 3431/2024/HDXLCT-TĐX.AD dated March 11, 2024 Wastewater treatment service contract No. 03/HD-HIDITECH signed on April 9, 2021 | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Legal | Vietnam | Business registration certificate No. 1500441413 issued by Vinh Long Business Registration Office on May 31, 2023. Land use right certificate No. Certificate: CT 72058. CT 72059 | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Social | Vietnam | There is a collective labor agreement signed on February 1, 2023 There is a contract with the employee Wages are paid on the 5th and 15th per month and are not lower than the regional minimum No cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment.This is confrimed by employee interviews and documents review: labour contract, payroll, timesheet, profile of employee, ID,... | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Environmental | Vietnam | Environmental permit No. 973/GPMT-UBND issued by Vinh Long Provincial People's Committee on May 20, 2022 Water supply contract of Vinh Long Water Supply Co., Ltd. dated October 3, 2008. Waste collection and treatment contract No. 0682/2023/CGQ dated August 16, 2008. 2023 Contract for collection, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste No. 0307/2023/HD-TĐX dated July 3, 2023 Domestic waste collection and transportation contract No. 98/HD.VCR.2024 dated December 29, 2023 | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Legal | Vietnam | Business registration certificate No. 1900598440 dated September 22, 2023 signed by Bac Lieu Business Construction license No. 01/GPXD issued by the Department of Construction of Bac Lieu province on January 25, 2017 | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Social | Vietnam | There is a collective labor agreement signed on October 3, 2022 There is a contract with the employee Wages are paid on the 7th per month and are not lower than the regional minimum The company's code of conduct signed on July 07th, 2023 according to article II-2: no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment.This is confrimed by employee interviews and documents review: labour contract, payroll, timesheet, profile of employee, ID,... | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-01-23 | Sarda orientalis, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus Pelamis | Environmental | Vietnam | Environmental impact assessment No. 376/QD-UBND signed by Le Minh Chien - Vice Chairman of Bac Lieu province on March 2, 2020 Environmental license No. 29/GPMT - People's Committee signed on March 29, 2023 Groundwater exploitation and use license No. 14/GP-UBND signed on May 13th, 2022, valid until May 13th, 2027 Domestic waste contract No. 220/HD - TTDVĐT Hazardous waste treatment contract No. 2612/2023/HDNH/MTAC dated December 15th, 2023 | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Legal | Argentina | To comply with laws on Business License, Evironmental License | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Social | Argentina | There are no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment by interviewing. "Code of Conduct" of the Company also mention these but they have not provided sufficient evidence to prove compliance -> We will conducting re-assessment Due Diligence or stopping purchase | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Environmental | Argentina | To comply with laws on environment, water use, and Hazardous waste treatment and "Code of Conduct" of the Company also mention these but they have not provided sufficient evidence | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Legal | Brazil | To comply with laws on Business License, Evironmental License | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Social | Brazil | There are no cases of child labour, keeping personal identification documents, mistreatment, discrimination, or coercion, late or unpaid payment by interviewing. "Code of Conduct" of the Company also mention these but they have not provided sufficient evidence to prove compliance -> We will conducting re-assessment Due Diligence or stopping purchase | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 3 Ingredient Manufacturer assessment | Ingredient Manufacturer | 2024-02-02 | Glycine Max | Environmental | Brazil | To comply with laws on environment, water use, and Hazardous waste treatment and "Code of Conduct" of the Company also mention these but they have not provided sufficient evidence | Document review Site visit Interviews with key stakeholders/employees | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | ||||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Legal | Vietnam | All 27 farms have land ownership certificates issued by the People's Committee of An Giang province by documents review Certificate of land cultivated for rice farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thoai Son District signed on January 30th, 2024 | https://www.landmarkmap.org/map https://landportal.org/voluntary-guidelines/putting-the-vggt-into-practice | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region Assessments of the status of Indigenous rights and land tenure in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Social | Vietnam | Most farms do not hire outside labor, only use family labor to cultivate rice by interview stakeholders and farmers | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-31 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Environmental | Vietnam | Certificate of land cultivated for rice farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thoai Son District signed on January 30th, 2024 | http://www.globalforestwatch.org) | Remote sensing (e.g., satellite or radar) data, - Deforestation alerts - FAO Forest Resources Assessment series - Independent or community forest monitors. - Local communities, Indigenous Peoples and civil society organisations - Country or landscape risk assessments. - Information collected through grievance mechanisms | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Legal | Vietnam | All 5 farms have land ownership certificates issued by the People's Committee of Dong Thap province by documents review Certificate of land cultivated for rice farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by the People's Committee of Tan Khanh Dong commune signed on February 1st, 2024 | https://www.landmarkmap.org/map https://landportal.org/voluntary-guidelines/putting-the-vggt-into-practice | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region Assessments of the status of Indigenous rights and land tenure in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Social | Vietnam | Most farms do not hire outside labor, only use family labor to cultivate rice by interview stakeholders and farmers | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-02-03 | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Environmental | Vietnam | Certificate of land cultivated for rice farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by the People's Committee of Tan Khanh Dong commune signed on February 1st, 2024 | http://www.globalforestwatch.org) | Remote sensing (e.g., satellite or radar) data, - Deforestation alerts - FAO Forest Resources Assessment series - Independent or community forest monitors. - Local communities, Indigenous Peoples and civil society organisations - Country or landscape risk assessments. - Information collected through grievance mechanisms | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-30 | Manihot esculenta | Legal | Vietnam | All 9 farms have land ownership certificates issued by the People's Committee of Tay Ninh province by documents review Certificate of land cultivated for cassava farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by People's Committee of Thanh Bac commune signed on January 27th, 2024 | https://www.landmarkmap.org/map https://landportal.org/voluntary-guidelines/putting-the-vggt-into-practice | Assessments of the status of governance and law enforcement in the source region Assessments of the status of Indigenous rights and land tenure in the source region | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-30 | Manihot esculenta | Social | Vietnam | Most farms do not hire outside labor, only use family labor to grow cassava by interview stakeholders and farmers | https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:1:0::NO::: | ILO’s NORMLEX website on country ratification and supervision. Country research Area research Interviews with key stakeholders/employees Document review Site visit | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||
Pathway 2 Sector/Industry/Fishery assessment | Plant Primary Raw Material | 2024-01-30 | Manihot esculenta | Environmental | Vietnam | Certificate of land cultivated for cassava farming by household, complying with legal, social, enviroment , not related to deforestation or forest land conversion by People's Committee of Thanh Bac commune signed on January 27th, 2024 | http://www.globalforestwatch.org) | Remote sensing (e.g., satellite or radar) data, - Deforestation alerts - FAO Forest Resources Assessment series - Independent or community forest monitors. - Local communities, Indigenous Peoples and civil society organisations - Country or landscape risk assessments. - Information collected through grievance mechanisms | Monitor the risk factors to ensure the risk level determined remains valid; -Monitor the effectiveness of measures implemented. Conducting reassessment every 3 years or high risk or when risk fators changing | |||